HP Print for Help
A social network of HP printers spreading missing persons posters through the ePrint ferature. Nowadays, everyone is far more interested on the screen of their devices, either at home or at the office. Paper seems to have lost its relevance and so did printing. In Brazil, 200.000 people goes missing every year, and posters are still the best way to help. 8 out of 10 printers sold in Brazil are HP and ePrint is mobile printing technology that allows anyone to print from anywhere by sending an email to the printer. The perfect feature to bring up printing relevance: to connect the printers and spread the posters.
Print for help is a helping social network. To became a member, user simply need to register the HP printer's email and zip code. When someone goes missing the family contacts the "Mães da Sé" NGO, the NGO enters the web APP and creates a customized poster on the new standard, so printers registered on the area the person went missing start printing the posters automatically.
Agency: FCB Brasil
Client : HP
My Roles: Creative Technologist, Front-End Developer, Back-End Developer, Supplier Management.
The Tech Solution
We created a webapp that cross matches data between missing people regions and volunteers ZIP code. These dada are translated to latitude and longitude. So an algorithm creates a queue do determine which poster must to be sent to each registered printer based on three factors: the date the person disappeared, the distance and the frequency that the volunteer applies to print posters. This process runs everyday, until today.
- Cannes Lions 2015: 1x Gold, 1x Silver, 1x Bronze;
- LIA Awards 2015: 1x Gold, 1x Silver;
- Clio 2015: 1x Silver, 1x Bronze;
- El Ojo 2015: 1x Gold, 3x Silver, 1x Bronze;
Note: Unfortunately the team that registers projects in the festivals, forgot to put my name in the credits. So, in my "about page", I'm not counting these awards, because they officially are not mine.